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Friday, December 11, 2009

Teacher's comments

Hi Sean,

You have done some fantastic work on your passion project. Not only have you found out a lot of new knowledge, but you have also learned a whole new set of skills to help you next time. You have remained open to continuous learning, especially with your keynote timeline, and you worked interdependently when you helped others with their keynotes as well.

You have thought hard about your reflections, evaluating the process that you have gone through each time you learned something new. This is great metacognitive skill, and is a habit of mind that will serve you well throughout your life. Keep up the good work next year.

Vanessa and Pania

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Passion Project Rubric

This is a rubric which tells you how I think the process of my passion project went and how I could improve next time.
